

  • funny you just posted this because I compared todays weight watchers journal to todays myfitness journal and there EXACTLY the same! Both Fitness and Weight Watchers want me to eat the same amount of calories! I say stick with this, I personally lost 75 lbs on weight watchers!
  • weighing my food has definitely taught me a lesson on food portion. you could always just stare at a deck of cards and HOPE its right but wouldn't you feel better knowing your eating the right size/portion? Also, if you read the back of a cereal box it will say '3/4 cups OR 42 grams will equal 3 grams of fat and 100…
  • I have a WW scale that is a piece of junk. Its off by about 10 lbs. The best one I ever bought was a 5 dollar one at ikea! Its old fashion but it doesnt lie!
  • It totally sabotages your diet. I used to have cheat days, but then you feel like since its a cheat day you can eat anything! I say everything in moderation. If you know your going to a party, try eating beforehand so you can splurge a bit on cake!