Toinbot Member


  • Your calculations sound spot on to me. I've been using fitbit and mfp for about 8 months without too many syncing problems. But if you just minus your mfp cals in against fitbit cals burnt. Then the difference will be your deficit.
  • how's it going? I've had a bit of a mental weekend so haven't done a shred or run for 5 days! feeling rather guilty about it, BUT! i did my measurements (which i'm doing every 10 days) and i'm down another quarter to half inch in most places =] So even not shredding every day is having some good results. Hope it's going…
  • I'm currently trying to train myself for the race for life, so i'm jogging one day, shredding the next, then having the odd day off, and i'm still finding it works, it's obviousltynot going to have the same results in 30 days as it would had we been doing it every day, but it's still going to get us toned and on track to…
  • a pot of sugar free jelly =D they're usually between 5 and 9 cals.
  • Level 1 day 6 for me. so far i haven't managed to do it yet, not feeling too great today, feeling a bit weak and sick. I'm going to go to to work and try to power through day 6 when i get home at 10pm, then i can just collapse into bed after (after showering of course). wish me luck folks. I'm not too confident that i'm…
  • Late start for the august group or me. But i did L1D2 today, been avoiding it for hours because my arms and legs ached from day one, but finally got around to it and powered through was not as bad as i expected with the aching muscles to be honest! I can really feel it working on my arms and abs =D Can't wait until i start…
  • hey, i know i'm about a week late with starting the 30 day shred. But i'm in! I start tomorrow, and coincidentally have 31 days until i go on holiday, so let's hope this shred whips me into good shape, and lets hope i can stick with it!!!
  • I'm not talking about fresh fruit juices though, just dilited juice from concentrate, i figure it's about 180cals if i drink 2 litres a day, so it's not TOO bad. Lol. But it probably isn't as good for me as water will be.