Markus718 Member


  • That is a wide open question....... It depends on what diet you wish to follow. Many will say "have a yogurt" or fruit. For me, I am doing a low-carb / moderate protein diet. My breakfast for the last 3 months has been either 3 fried eggs with peameal bacon, or a three egg cheese omelette. In either case, it is around…
  • Are you short on potassium? I took supplements and I got rid of the problem.
  • It would be a life style change. When you are on maintenance, you raise your carb intake to something like 60-80 grams a day. (I lent the book out, so I don't have the exact number on me...) The Protein Power book goes into a lot of medical detail. Basically, after you get to your goal, you can have a "healthy" intake of…
  • I would suggest that you try the low carb approach. The more carbs you eat, the more insulin your pancreas produces. Having too much insulin flowing around (amongst many other side effects) tells your body to store more water and fat. I went low carb with exercise I am averaged about 3-4 pounds a week now. My daily full…
  • In my opinion, your carb count is way to high. Excess carbs cause your body to create more insulin. Excess insulin tells your body to store fat and retain fluids. (......And many other negative things.....) Switch things around.... have more protein and less carbs. (Remember that many Low/no fat labelled foods have MORE…
  • Why not try a low-carb / more protein approach? If you aren't burning all those carbs, they are getting stored. Excess carbs also make your body retain water. Have a look at the Protein Power plan. Please verify, but I believe it will suggest you each around 36g protein / 10-20g carbs per meal, and that is it. That will be…