Buckeyegirl1965 Member


  • I'm here if anyone needs me, I want my Sexy Back and I will do this!! Also, my health needs this, I just turned 50 and I have two grandbabies I want to see grow up and I will, good luck to all!! Not sure if this will post but, trying it out, not sure how to use this app completely, lolol
  • I'm here for you of you need someone, I just started last week and damn determined to lose it this time, I just turned 50 and I started out at 250 and would love to lose, at least 90. Doing this for my Health and to get my Sexy back, we have two grandbabies, 3 and 5 and I Will be here for them. We can do this!!!
  • Add me too, I just started last week. Started out at 250 and my goal is 165 to 150, would be even better. I am determined this time, my health depends on it plus, I want my sexy back, just had back surgery and two shoulder surgery's within the last year and a half and I am so ready.
  • Please don't give up, we all need each other in this war against fat. I really don't think you aren't eating enough calories, this happens to me alot. I work nights and hard to eat that many calories when you sleep during the day. I make myself eat alittle when I am awake; try eating something little throughout your day…