

  • Green Smoothies Number of servings 3 Apple Juice - 1 cup Lemon - 1/2 fruit seeded, leave peel on Pure Protein Plus - French Vanilla Protein Powder, 1 scoop Bananas - Raw, 1 medium, frozen Raw Fresh Spinach, 1 cup Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 small Pineapple - 0.5 cup, frozen Blueberries - Frozen or fresh, unsweetened, 0.5…
  • Unfortunately, healthy foods, fresh fruits and veggies are more expensive than crap foods. I try to buy what's on sale sometimes substituting frozen fruits and veggies for fresh if they're cheaper. I think it also helps cutting crap foods right out of the budget; it helps my bottom line monetarily and physically : ) Kim
  • I'm currently doing P90X and it consists of 6 workouts per week with one day off. On that day off I also take a break from counting calories. I don't necessarily gorge myself, but I do relax a bit about what I eat. In the past I've found I tend to lose weight more readily when I have a regular "off" day.