

  • There is also a great Men's Health Workout app (it's $1.99, there is a lite version if you want to try that first) that my husband has been using. He says it's great and has come home sore every time he has tried one! Good luck!
  • Watch an episode of "The Biggest Loser" on Hulu! That will give you inspiration and motivation to fight through. I would suggest also going to the gym. If you are not truly hungry, just want to comfort yourself, going to the gym will get you through and make you feel good about yourself. Also make sure to drink lots of…
  • You can also customize your goals. So if you want to up your allowed carbs, etc, you can change the percentages. I too am a vegetarian (no meat, but dairy and fish) and to get protein, I eat fat free cottage cheese, fish, beans and nuts. If you are over doing the carbs, you can definitely still gain weight! Good luck.