barbbrauner Member


  • I have been on Effexor and Welbutrin for about 5 years. It took me a long time to accept that I need Meds. I went off them twice in the last 13 years. I did do it with a doctors assistance. Both times I hit rock bottom. The last time it took me 2 years to find the right combination that worked. My advice is to see a…
  • I love Arbonne nutrition bars, chocolate and fruit options. Gluten free, vegan, 170 calories, Vit A, C ,D, E all B Vit. 9 gr protein, 4 gr fat. Protein is from peas. Pumpkin seeds, quinoa etc. they keep me full for a long time. I am an Arbonne consultant but I did read that you cannot sell here which is not my intent. But…