

  • Yes bodybuilders use the simple (white) carbs right b4 comps but that is because they are recovering from something called carb depletion and are in a phase called carb loading. totally a different subject.
    in CARBS Comment by caseyday November 2011
  • sik pic brah, how did you post that?
    in CARBS Comment by caseyday November 2011
  • Just to add something here, when you spike your insulin levels your body is signaled to protect itself and STOP fat burning.
    in CARBS Comment by caseyday November 2011
  • Instead of looking for advice from every person on here with an opinion do the following. Find people with the best physiques and ask them how many simple (white) carbs they eat. Im sure you will find your answer, if not here is a three step simple rule for simple (white) carbs: 1. Dont touch them, 2. Dont touch them and…
    in CARBS Comment by caseyday November 2011