dixon5000 Member


  • I dont eat fries all the time, but it helps with the urge to cheat. With this sight providing a great tracking program you would be surprised on what you can eat....
  • This is only one of many meal plans. I do add alot of lettuce with red vinegar dressing about 4 weeks into this diet. One thing I didnt mention is that I do a high carb meal every 3 or 4 days. Pretty much alot of rice, sweet potatoes on that day. It kick starts my metabolism....
  • Thank you arewethereyet !!!!! My little girls birthday hat.
  • I am blessed to have a gym here, its not much trust me, but you learn to make due with what you have. I also obtained some good exercises from P90X....
  • It was 50 today but the other day it snowed. Temp. goes up and down here. I do not think they celebrate Christmas here as I havent seen any signs of it. Me and a couple of guys through a few toys over a wall where kids normally play today. I hate to see these kids without anything. It REALLY makes you appreciate what we…
  • I know its not easy to fight the guilt you feel when you work so hard prior to the Holidays. The only advise I could give if someone asked me for it, would be to add an additional quick work out somewhere which will make you feel great when your done, trust me! Your mind accepts the fact that splurging ONCE IN A WHILE with…
  • Holidays are a killer back in the States. But after the 1st of Jan. Hit it hard... Its not bad to splurge here and there. The problem you run into is that most people feel guilty and fall off the healthy wagon. Your not going to gain a ton of weight from snacking over the holidays, but people feel guilty and they…
  • Thank you! Time goes by a lot quicker when I have people to chat with. I truely appreciate the support and will continue to stay motivated. I forgot to mention, that I actually have a small gym in the remote area I am in. I am located on a all Spanish Out Post. They love working out and the food is super healthy. Its…
  • Well, its been forever since I have logged in on this site. I was mobilized with the Army National guard to Afghanistan. I went through some intense training and here I am. I weighed in at 232 and now I am down to 209 and losing. I plan to be a real lean 195 before I return. I will have to get some pictures up soon! I know…
  • I will be good to go. Fall and winter is my best time to lose
  • Well, I fell back alittle as I was gone all week on business. I was NOT prepared for it as my friends who work with me, lets just say they like to party. Oh yea, beer and food... I will be back on track again tomorrow though.
  • I hear you...
  • I think as weeks go on, I will become alot stricter. I am on the road and this is a challenge I did not plan for. At, work and everyday living, I have a set routine. So, after traveling at the end of the week, I will be on that routine for the next 10 weeks. This doesn't give me a reason to cheat, but I am glad I am…
  • Here is my first week of weight loss. Lost a total of 7 pounds. I really dont call it falling off the wagon, but tonight I had 6 Jumbo breaded shrimp tonight. I couldn't help it. lol The reason it doesn't bother me, is you cannot go straight cold turkey and expect to stay on a 12 week diet... On the other hand, you are…
  • I went over, but no big deal. I will work out alittle harder tomorrow to make up for it!
  • COme on in and join the fun
    in Chat room Comment by dixon5000 July 2008
  • I use this method when i dropped weight for bodybuilding contests. I used to drop from 250 to 198. It really does do the job. Its not for everyone, but this post is ment to lift your spirits when you come down on yourself so hard. DON'T it's natural to have a snack once in awhile....
  • Ok ladies and gentleman, to make you all feel better about that day you feel you slipped OR CHEATED, here is some encouraging news. Benefits Of Cheating: Physiologically, cheats can offer many benefits. If you have been dieting pretty hardcore, it's likely that you have low muscle glycogen levels. Along with this often…
  • I was a male stripper when I was in college. just kidding. I stole a car once though. This was when I was 18 yrs old. Not a good day.. Yes I did get busted for running naked through my buddies yard, but what the heck who hasn't??? YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! I might have a few pictures of that somewhere. lol
  • The reason I ask is, it gave me more calories today then yesterday. I ate the same food so I have no idea... Just wondering if the daily summary changes at all.
  • Food for thought. When I cut weight, I rarely worried about sodium. This should be a thought 3/4s into your diet. Right now, programming your body and mind to eat healthy is the number one priorty. I boil all my chicken first then grill it. If you boil it, it gets rid of all or almost all the sodium in your chicken.
  • Its hard to have fun without drinking... lol
  • Well, my job has me traveling and I will be traveling starting tomorrow until next Friday. Yea.. I just started getting in a routine and now I have my first real challenge. What to eat? Well, I plan on bringing a few items as I will be driving to the location. The real challenge is when I eat out. Eatting that salad or a…
  • I am here too
  • I understand that Wisconsin people are jealous of all us Bears Fans...lol
  • Just wondering who on here is from Illinois.
  • I VERY strict bodybuilding diet. This is the program I used when I was getting ready for a show.
  • Hey thanks.