

  • OMG, you look stunning!!!
  • Awww I used to work out there too, Loved it, and it was 2 min walk from my house, boy I miss Victoria....
  • I would love to join you girls...I just joined this site, so still getting used to it.A little about me, I am 48{next week} eeek , getting old. I have lost 40 lbs this yr, but gained a little bad on a vacation we had{wedding} I did Atkins, and hmm did well on it but then stalled, and decided it was time to get back to…
  • I just joined this site minutes ago, than I saw your post Victoria Bc.. ahh how I love that City. I now live in Nanaimo.. but grew up in Victoria and moved 3 yrs ago, miss it soo much. So I can't work out with you, but.... we can support each other... Sounds like your doing fabulous, great job on all the awesome work…