tcfor3 Member


  • Welcome! My Hubby and I have only been on here about 6 weeks. It is great for support and to keep us honest. He has lost a total of 37 and I have 17. He exercises a lot, we started just with walking. We went to health food store and start our day with a very yummy vitamin shake. We both have a very long way to go - but I…
  • I have not been doing this - but it sounds like a great idea! I have been having a hard time getting in the calories I am suppose to every day - maybe this will help ;)
  • My hubby was a Coca-holic for 13 years. He has kicked his habit and drinks a lot of water with MIO in it. We love it because it doesn't have the aftertaste that some other things you can add to water. To us, it kind of fools our taste buds ;) I also really like lemons and limes, so I'll just add a couple of slices to my…