

  • thanks all! I'm also a physiotherapist, so any throw any injury questions my way! :)
  • Hi jenny, I've started back eating healthy and exercising after a long plateau (have lost about 2st so far, and still have 2st to go) and would like some extra help/motivation! I've never really wanted to run before but have started doing the couch to 5k (c25k) programme which basically trains non-runners up to be able to…
  • Hi Lizzy, I could do with some extra help/motivation too! Everyone on my friends list seem to have stopped being healthy/tracking. :) My name's Fi. Hoping to lose around 33-35lbs.
  • I'm a physiotherapist and would definitely agree with the above advice. See your doctor. Could just be muscular pain, in which case you'd expect it to resolve in at least 3 weeks, but best to err on the side of caution when it's abdominal pain. Get it checked.