Thank you so much for sharing. I have only recently discovered Al Kavadlo and I think this is the direction I will go but I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with coming up with a routine. I run a lot (mainly because I love it- not because I believe it is a superior workout) and have had a hard time enjoying strength training,…
It's controversial- but I have found going gluten free has made the difference in my weight loss since the thyroidectomy. Weight loss always used to mean burning more calories than consumed. It just makes mathematical sense until you throw something like this in! I've also heard of people having better success with a…
I had a thyroidectomy due to cancer almost 2 years ago. I had already started my weight loss journey, and I did gain some weight for a bit. I would say don't do yourself the disservice of resigning yourself to a life of hypothyroidism- I have been hyper and hypo at different points along the way, and have finally achieved…
I love it on a baked sweet potato. With a little sweetener (I use agave), it's better than the way I used to eat them- with heaps of butter and brown sugar. I also brush a little on corn tortilla strips and bake my own chips. So yummy! It's great on the skin, too.
I watched it in September, and did a 2 week juice fast almost immediately after. I lost 12 pounds, but the best part was that it really was a jumpstart to my healthy eating plan. Maybe TMI, but my periods have been regular since then (I'm 34, and this has NEVER been the case). A doctor in the movie said something to the…