

  • light string cheese...I prefer trader joe's brand, but they're all about the same in calories, protein, fat,etc. also almonds...again, i prefer trader joes- "spicy tangy" are great
  • As long as you follow the three week maintenance after you stop the hcg your body should be able to keep the weight off. It is imperative to follow it completely. Otherwise your body will not change back to a more normal mode of metabolizing your calorie intake, and you will gain back a the weight you lose.
  • Also want to say that the diet sounds unsafe due to the calories. But those who have researched what hcg does in your body understand that for the short amount of time that you follow this diet makes the calorie amount safe and does not cause any problems with muscle loss, or retaining fat, as a normal starvation diet…
  • I did hcg homeopathic and lost tons of weight. But I followed it to a "t" figuring that if I was going to put myself through it, it was going to be hardcore following the program. I was starving the whole time, but my Dr who was working with me on it, as well as the friends who had done hcg before me, said that is NOT…
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