

  • I love this, thank you so much for sharing. It gets tough to remember He is with us and guiding us through the bad times as well as the good ones.
  • Well I did W1D1 today. Not as good as I wanted it to go, but at least I got to the gym and started. I think I may have to repeat each week and make this an 18 week program, but I am fine with that. As long as I keep doing it, I will succeed eventually!
  • Hi there. I just joined MFP a few days ago and am hoping that keeping a food journal will really help me end the vicious cycle of gaining and losing I have been on. I love the scripture used for this group and am excited to share this journey with other sisters in Christ. About me: I work part time at my church, mostly a…
  • I am going to start this program tomorrow. I used to run (pre children) and now my kids are running 5K races with their Dad and I think it is time I join them. Looking forward to feeling stronger and healthier day by day.