

  • Just de-activated my facebook and my partner help me get showered, dressed and out of my room. I want to comfort eat so much.
  • This nearly made me cry, thank you so much. If you don't mind may i add you on my real account please ? Thank you to everyone that posted, i thought i was going to get such nasty comments.
  • Sorry i didn't see everybodys responses. I haven't had my thyroid (is that right ?) checked but i will ask my doctor about it. My partner and family have all said my friends aren't actually friends they say that when i feel down and panic it's a choice etc. They're all leaving soon and i'm sort of looking forward to it but…
  • I can really relate to facebook being a trigger. Thank you for everyones comments, i've tried thinking about why i feel so down but i just don't know why i think it's just a mixture of my lifestyle. I'll talk to my doctor, but i'm so scared i'm going to have a break down infront of her. I just can't bare facing the day.…
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