

  • yeah, i do try and make it up to 1000, and even 1200 like i said, but it's hard, i understand the whole 'fuel your body' thing and how if you eat less your body can go into starvation mode where it clings onto the fat so it's harder to lose etc. but i just dont get why im not losing anything and putting it on? ): haha i…
  • yeah, the doctor i saw was so unhelpful, my kidneys failed on me when i was younger and i kept getting horrible pains there and i went to him about it and he poked me in my HIP BONE! not my kidney area and went ''nope not your kidneys'' and sent me away! i guess my mother always deals with moaning at them for test results,…
  • when i asked my doctor about it (not being able to eat) he kept going on about having an eating disorder, then sent me off to the hospital for tests and i never got the results back. so pointless ):
  • i understand that, but i can't physically do it, it makes me sick, i hate eating food as it is, sometimes i can do it but feel incredibly crappy and depressed after, and for days.
  • her1223: i've not been going over my 1,200 calorie in take on here, and if i do i do extra exercise to work it off. i haven't weighed myself yet, i'll do that when it has been a week (on monday) jessp687: hey! yeah, i dont really drink a lot of water, i really dislike it!, i do end up drinking about 3 - 4 bottles during…