Erienneb Member


  • Depends on what I'm doing. Lifting, nothing, I need to focus on form and music distracts me. Elliptical or stair master, I watch Netflix because my body is shaking around less than on a run.
  • I would try eating more for a couple of weeks. It could be you're burning more than you realize on your workouts.
  • Other people's opinions do matter to me, to a point. There are certain things that I stand firm on and others that I don't care. I'll always listen to what someone has to say. On my better days I consider their opinion. On my worse days I might blow someone off and regret it later. I have a tight knit group, really just my…
  • Social situations can send me into a tailspin panic. I can't approach strangers, I dislike crowds, I don't like new places. My boyfriend on the other hand is such a HUGE people person and I wish I could be like that.
  • I'm not officially wedding planning quite yet as I still have a year left to get my bachelor's degree and I'd rather wait, but it's been discussed in depth. I do not want a wedding. I don't want to plan it, I don't want to spend the money, I don't want the dress. I get very anxious very easily and would rather avoid it.…
  • When I didn't face it, I kept gaining weight. Waking up one day and saying "yes, I'm fat" is what gave me the push to change things. I don't suffer from low self esteem, but I am a realist. Am I fat? YES and that's obvious. Am I beautiful, too? Yes, in my way. I would rather face what I am then avoid certain words because…
  • There's a big camp of people that subscribe to the "if it fits your macros" mentality. For me, I couldn't go from eating junk all day to eating perfectly "clean" all day in one go. Plus the standard of what is "good" and "healthy" can vary a bit person to person. Do I eat fast food, candy, junk sometiems? Yes. Because…
  • I didn't realize being broad shouldered was something you could change. Broad implies far across, and weight ususally doesn't have anything to do with that. I'm broad shouldered, but I'm also close to 6ft tall. Also, as a woman, muscle gain is much harder to come by. Just keep doing what you're doing, remember proper form…
  • Max HR is different for everyone. If I got mine that high I would be having some issues. When I work out I stay between 150-160, and to really really push it, I can get to 170. My Anarobic threshold is 174 so anything above that is killer. I've never even seen a 190 number for me haha. BUT my mom who is in much better…
  • Surprisingly cinnamon works. When I eat something with it I'm much more satisfied for longer than if I didn't season with it. Doesn't meld well with all flavors though haha. My best thing is cold water. It seriously helps way more than you think it will.
  • I second this motion. I live in the real world and all these things are things I eat anyway. I realize some things are "bad" but you do what you do to get by, you know?
  • Well firstly even though I'm still majorly overweight, I genuinely *enjoy* working out for no reason other than to enjoy it. It's part of my routine now and I don't see that changing. I sleep better as I continue to be healthier, plus my cardio in the late afternoon helps me fall asleep at a more reasonable time. I'm…
  • I'm sure you can get too much, but seeing as how it's difficult, at least for me, to reach the "recomended" 3000mg I can't imagine it would be easy to overdose on.
  • I like meat too much to ever quit, I'm just conscious of where I buy it from. My uncle is a cattleherd and raises them for slaughter, those stupid cows live better than I do! Free range of 42 acres, plenty of grass and hills, and free range of a barn for bad weather, in addition to other food provided. Not all animals are…
  • I will go to the gym with my boyfriend for cardio days because it doesn't matter that I can't keep up. I don't lift with him because I do with my best friend. When the weather warms up he likes to run outside but I can't keep up so I don't know. He is, however, incredibly patient and motivating, and will even go to the gym…
  • I laughed while I was drinking water at work. All over my desk. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
  • Oh man. cool ranch are my favorite. I really only like taco bell now when I'm drunk BUT I might make an exception for that.
  • There's a group for tall women that has a lot of cool stuff on it. I can't find the link right now because my work computer hates me BUT if you search it, you'll find it!
  • I deal with it a little each day. I net about 1750 and it's hard to wrap my head around. Am I under eating for my BMR? Yes. BUT it's as much mental as anything and any little step you can make forward is still a step forward, right? I have to keep repeating to myself that it's ok. It's starting to fade now and I'm…
  • ^^ditto. Bacon weave.
  • For a while, yeah, I had to measure out every single thing. Now I'm much better at guessing, but I always round up just to make sure. If you can't measure all the time, then whatever amount you *think* you ate, you should add a certain percentage more because typically guesses are underestimates with volume and the like.
  • I have all sorts of things for weight, fitness, and time goals. Ranging from cheap, nail polish...mid a mani/pedi....and then as I keep going I have things like a tattoo and vacation.
  • I love this person now.
  • I've never felt "hunger pains" per say. I cut down from a diet that had to have been upwards 3500 a day to 1750 a day. It's hard. I get hungry. But never unbearably. When I first feel like I'm hungry I drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes to make sure I'm not tricking myself into thinking I'm hungry when I'm really…
  • MFP shouldn't have to change. It is what it is and if you don't like it there are plenty of other resources available to you as a consumer. MFP is a free site and application, and for what we get I think it already goes above and beyond. I would NOT be a member here if it provided a plan, I would have gone somewhere else…
  • I was only gone for an hour and look what you all did! There are some scary sensative/angry/crazy people in here....I'm going to just back out slowly and hope everyone remembers to not take everything as an insult, and to not assume any particular comment is directed at your personally....just breathe please? For the…
  • You shouldn't be wearing those for cardio ever. I don't really have advice because I pop all my blisters and people always say not to do that, I just can't help it...I always make sure it's all clean and cover with a bandaid after but still there is an infection risk.
  • I've lost 42 lbs and I haven't reduced it yet. It's still working, why rock the boat?