MRSchultz Member


  • Great job, SherryRH! I bet you are invigorated for the day now. :happy: I couldn't get up for nothing this morning. I taught an interval class and a kickboxing class last night and that just drained me. I am teaching another interval class tonight, so no running for me today. I will be tomorrow if the weather holds up -…
  • I'd love to join your group. I've just started running again now that the weather is cooperating a little. I went three miles the other day. I am in a 5 mile race the first Sunday in April, but am looking for a 1/2 to do this spring/summer. Marcia.
  • Found my way over here, thanks Jess :wink: for reminding me of this awesome site. I have ChaLean, too, I'm in the middle of the rotation and love it. I'm finding it hard to fit it in as scheduled due to teaching six aerobics classes per week, but I'll still plugging away. I really like it. Look at Jess, with her great…
    in ChaLEAN Comment by MRSchultz March 2009