hamm63 Member


  • I want to say welcome!! Glad you are here!! This is an awesome program. I have lost 43 lbs in a little over 3 months with very little exercise. I just watch the ingredients on all foods,cut my portions and also not eat after 6pm. I wish you all the luck!! My name is Rod if you want to be friends.
  • Hello Janae, My name is Rod. I'm kinda new to this as well. I have lost 18lbs so far in a little over 3 weeks. This is really awesome. Great job on your 15lbs lost. Keep up the good work!!! I have a ways to go, but it's a start. Just thought I would introduce myself as you are looking for friends too. Rod
  • Hi, my name is Rod and I just started this program a little over 3 weeks ago and it has really given me a reality check on what the foods I used to eat have in them. I started eating very healthy watching the sodium and calories. I have lost 17 lbs since I started! I want to wish you all the luck and success with the…
    in Hi! Comment by hamm63 June 2011