dustbunnygirl Member


  • While perusing the health food section of my local grocery store one day, I came upon a product called PB2, by Bell Plantation. It is a powdered peanut butter (ingredients are roasted peanuts, sugar, and salt) that you mix two to one with water. Two tablespoons of the powder equal 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, less than…
  • About 2.5 weeks, but I had A LOT to lose (still do!). I miss those initial big drops week to week, but I'm happy with the 2 or so I'm averaging now.
  • The pinched nerve and two bulging discs in my back, as well as one completely torqued knee. Fastest you'll ever see me going is on the Arc trainer or a bike.
  • Here is a recipe for a honey mustard recipe you can make at home. It's more the consistency of dressing than mustard (but you could tweak that by upping the mustard content or greek yogurt, I think, if you prefer). Two tablespoons is 74 calories, no fat, no cholesterol. It does have 18 carbs and 17 sugars, but that's what…