

  • It could also have to do with the foods you eat. A lot of healthy fruits and vegetables will make you seem bloated in the short term, despite the fact they will actually help you lose weight over time. As someone else said, water weight can play a role as well. I'd say don't even think about it after a week. If it's the…
  • From what I understand, it's not really healthy for your body to lose much more than 2 lbs. per week. That can be frustrating if you're trying to lose a large amount of weight, but for long-term, lasting results, you're better off eating your calories, and making gradual progress than you are rushing to the finish line.…
    in Rest Days Comment by wewiley August 2012
  • Awesome, thanks for the reply. I think these both seem like valid ways to do it. As I said, I really just don't want to overestimate what I'm getting done, as I prefer to log less caloric burn and be pleasantly surprised with the results rather than the other way around. Both of these seem like pretty good ways of getting…
  • All great replies. Many thanks to you for your responses. It sounds like there is a bit of a conflict here though (much like the one I had with myself, haha). I usually do what "trinitrate" does, and kinda cut down a little. For example, if I'm there a little under two hours (1:45, for example), I figure 30 is warming up…
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