jermaine1082 Member


  • Cookie's chocolate chip to be exact. I can ignore all others but chocolate chip with milk cant stop for long. I normally don't drink too much milk unless the cookies are around.
  • Well I do both and insanity is more cardio so isn't the goal to have heart rate high whereas P90X is about building muscle mass(and it does for me quicker than insanity). Just saying don't want anyone to not do P90X based of these comments cause P90x get way more of a muscle burn than insanity does. But insanity has me…
  • I use resistance bands on door and i'm 6'3" when they do them on tape they will show some variations. They work for me now granted not the same as pulling my weight but it does some work cause i can feel it (plus you can wrap resistance bands around wrists shorter they are more resistance). Last time i tryed p90x stopped…