tuffer2tones Member


  • I am so amazed at how many people said how hard it is to give up soda. That wouldn't even make my top 10 to need to give up. I probably drink a partial soda maybe once a month (like take a sip of my hubby's) However I will find way to eat something sweet. There are so many thing I just have to STOP consuming. I know for…
  • I know its not going to do the work for me.. I am just saying so far I believe it is helping me control my calorie intake and not eat more than I should for the day. Also I don't need that 3:00 coffee or feel the need for a nap plus I have that extra push to squeeze in that workout that I hate doing. I was curious if other…
  • I wasn't asking if people thought it was a gimmick or not, There are some diet enhancing aids out there that do help people lose weight. I am just interested in opinions of the green coffee bean users, that all.
  • I was asking the people who have tried it what they thought. Have you tried it? If not don't respond.
  • Austin Texas!!
  • Thank you all so much for the positive words!! today will be my first day back to yoga in about a year or so I hope I don't pass out in all the hotness. Where I am taking classes they offer Bikram Yoga. And they have five different classes and each class the heat and humidity changes. www.Sunstoneyoga.com....its only in…
  • Thank you for all the input, I really appreciate it. I was taking Relpax, but I haven't refilled my prescription, you only get 6 pills for $65...I also have Fioricet, which to me doesn't work at all. I also take BC powder if I don't have anything else. I don't currently have a preventative, I probably should ask for one. I…
  • My husband is supportive but in a unhelpful way. He will ask me during the week did you exercise, you need to go exercise, you should get back on your xbox workout program..blah blah blah. But then on the weekend when he comes home (he works out of town during the week) he will say lets go get a hamburger, or want to buy…
  • Hi, I also am in the same boat, 200lbs and in desperate need to lose poundage!! My goal is to lose 40lb by the end of the year and 65lbs total. I had lost 35lb last year but with stress gained it all back plus more. My back hurts, my plantar fasciitis has come back and I am starting to develop prediabetes symptoms. A…