tubbs313 Member


  • That you have to take potty breaks to run more than 2 miles.
  • Name: Terri Hubby/Partner: Kev How many kids do you have: This will be our first Due Date: May 7th, 2012 Do you know the gender: Note yet Have you picked out the baby's name: Not officially Where do you live: Fort Worth, TX Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Strenght Training, Running, some cardio machines and Swimming
  • Ha! Yes sometimes my belly looks much bigger than other times. Its very odd, but I think it might be constipation..: (
  • Hello! Im at 14 weeks and have been on MFP for awhile too. I just want to continue to work out and eat healthy while Im pregnant. I had an upper respiratory infection for the last few weeks so I am just getting back into the gym this week. Its been tough! But I have really missed it.
  • Im 14 weeks and I have been tracking my food and weight gain. I had lost 15 pounds and it has been hard seeing it go in the other direction. But I really like having a set daily goal for calories so that way I dont go way over every day. I also havent felt guilty if I go over so long as it is good food and fast food.
  • I log my food all day long but wait until Im done for the day to add my excercise. I found its easier to stay at the same amount of calories daily if I dont see how many calories I burned during my workout.