svetlanav Member


  • Have you tried my rice diet? I lost almost all the weight I needed to lose (5 lb) in the last two weeks (since I gave you my advice). Before then I was weekly: 120, 121.5, 121, 121, 121. and then I started the rice diet: 118.5 and today 117. And I haven't even tried hard. My optimal weight is 116, but my goal is 115, just…
  • You are young, and your skin still has a lot of elasticity. Some of the extra skin will shrink in a year or two. What is left after that, you get to keep or have a surgery if so inclined.
  • Try this: eat rice every 4-5 hours (3/4 of a coffee cup) with a little something you like to make 1 full coffee cup (egg, piece of fruit/veggie, sausage, etc.). Avoid caffeine, fat and sugar. You can use whole wheat toast for couple of meals, again with something you like (cheese, sausage, egg, fruit or veggie, etc.).…