

  • I'm on a strict ketogenic diet (more for the massive health benefits it's giving me than the weight loss, though that's nice too), so my answer to this is a heck yes. Fat is my primary fuel source. Small amounts of glucose are necessary for proper brain function (this can be gained from gluconeogenesis, though, so no need…
  • I have PCOS. And all the fun stuff like extra hair, extra pain during periods, super heavy bleeding (if I bleed at all), mood swings, weight gain -- you name it, I was afflicted. I went on a strict ketogenic diet, and it has mitigated (or made disappear) every single symptom (along with a ton of weight). I can't recommend…
  • I write women's erotica. This is actually about to become my full-time job.
  • Very much so, Msaip -- you have the best smile!
  • I've got a large Big Dipper tattooed onto my right shoulderblade. Alkaid is at the base of my neck, and it spreads down and right from there. No connecting lines for the constellation, just six-pointed black stars with empty centers. I wanted a mark to symbolize my connection to Bear (I'm Cherokee, from a healing clan),…
  • German shepherd and yellow lab. Both are GOOD BOYS.
  • Haha, lucky you! My libido just DIES.
  • No, I don't think there was in this instance. Given her responses, it really does seem as though she believes her way is the best (or only) way. And that's kinda goofy. I entirely disagree with this. There -are- excuses, but there are also very valid reasons for making alternative choices (especially when talking about…
  • Eh, **** 'em. It was a good thread. Lots of passion here.
  • If she had included a caveat for those who experience genuine medical problems with their monthly cycle, I wager no one would have a problem with this thread. But she left that out, and then went further to provoke/inflame those who protested. I understand what she's saying, and what you are saying, but she doesn't seem to…
  • I am glad, OP, that you do not truly suffer as some do. Some people get such severe pain, nausea, and other symptoms that they are completely debilitated until it is over -- every single month. This doesn't just impact how much they exercise. It keeps them from going to work (sometimes from holding a stable job). It makes…
  • I'm not afraid to go anywhere alone, really. But then, I work in law enforcement and have some self-defense training (and I always carry a weapon, but honestly more as a defense against wildlife than people). I try to be very, very conscious of my surroundings, and my intuition, at all times. If something feels…
  • Oh my goodness, this thread is GREAT. Thank you guys!
  • I am playing Diablo 3 and browsing reddit. Which I have been doing almost every night for the past week. You, friend, are not lame.
  • I have zero, but I browse the forums a fair bit. OP, it is very endearing to me that you refer to us as "family". :)
  • Non-scale victories are the only thing keeping me motivated, some days. I also use reddit.com/r/loseit for motivation.
  • Exercise a bit and drink a lot of water. Don't freak out about going way over on your calories once in a while, it's not a big deal. Just stay under most of the time and you'll lose.
  • Reddit. Diablo 3. Arma 2, DayZ mod. Some Minecraft. More Reddit. You know... looking over this, I am beginning to think I am the nerdiest girl I know. :(
  • If you liked Twilight and don't mind graphic sex scenes, give it a read. It was originally a Twilight fanfic that somehow (via the magic of the internet) became a real, standalone series, and because of this it follows the same general character types. It is highly disposable erotica, as it is not written with any more…
  • Dispatcher/part-time jailer here. I don't have a "best" excuse, because most of them are honestly pretty damned retarded. Working at this job sometimes make me question the sanity of the general public, but then I have to remind myself that the general public usually doesn't call 911 on a regular basis, and doesn't…
  • 5'3", 30 y/o. Very heavy bone (wide hips/shoulders) and muscle structure. 150 is my goal. It'll likely look 10-15 lbs less, given my build. Measurements aren't really important to me, just health/performance. I'll reevaluate my goals once I have achieved the current ones, but I would never want to be under 130.
  • It's completely possible to be friends -- even close friends -- with a member of the gender you are attracted to. Sometimes this type of friendship happens after flirting, or after a relationship (or relationship attempt). Sometimes it just happens on its own. Adult relationships are very complex webs, but not all of them…
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