

  • My goals for June are to consistently log my food intake and exercise. I also want to pull my bike out of storage and start riding evening and weekends. Hope to loose 3-5 lbs this month.
  • Hi 2youngatheart: I don't have any of the modern-day gadgets either. I can barely keep-up with computer and cell phone. Gotta have a life outside of technology and socializing with universe:) Hope my posts can be of some support. My workouts have included walking, strength training, and yoga. My favorite snacks include:…
  • I just joined fitnesspal yesterday and really enjoying the many great tools. Count me in for the 30 Day Shred. I'm going to Kmart on lunch break to find video.
  • I just joined on 5/30 but would love to be connected to a group holding me accountable for what I eat. :wink: