

  • I find this hard too! I have a large number of calories per day to eat to start out with and then exercise adds more so it says I should be eating 2000-2500 at times, can never seem to do anything close to it but I'm always eating and like good food too all day. I find adding a protein shake once throughout the day ie…
  • Thank you all :) I feel so clueless about it all but I'm trying haha. And as for counting calories I have a food diary that I write everything down in so I just look up the calories either on packaging or different apps I have on my ipod that tell me calorie amounts for like fruits and such.
  • Oh really? Okay thank you! I just find it hard since I can eat all day yet not reach the calorie goal. Since starting out my calorie intake is supposed to increase however I'm not doing so well. I think I'm going to invest in some protein shakes since I find it hard to even snack after a big breakfast and work all day.…
  • Oh okay, thank you ! Ya there's so many "diets" out there (which I can't stand since they're only temporary & I'm in this for good) and with everyone basically following a different one it gets difficult. But ya I agree and I'll continue doing so. Thank you :)