Thanks, I am definitely in and read to hit ten this month!
Sent my final numbers in -- 9 lbs loss, which I am thrilled with! Will there be a September 10 group too -- this was very helpful!
Stuck to eating plan and all exercise goals and only down 0.8 (but at least that's DOWN). This week, I am going to try the same thing but moving my calories/eating to the beginning of the day in an attempt to jump start my metabolism. Weight: 168.6, down 0.8 lbs (sigh, but at least it is down) for a total of 3.4 lost for…
I hear you! I've been very good this week, reporting, eating, drinking water, exercising, but I don't think it is going to be a goo weigh-in. Weeks like this are the hardest -- when hyou do everything right and the scale doesn't move! Any tips on how to get through them?
hi all Lost 2.6 lbs and stuck with the exercise goals! THANK YOU for the motivation!
hi all Lost 2.6 lbs and stuck with the exercise goals! THANK YOU for the motivation!
hi all Lost 2.6 lbs and stuck with the exercise goals! THANK YOU for the motivation!
hi all Lost 2.6 lbs and stuck with the exercise goals! THANK YOU for the motivation!