spoons81 Member


  • I eat "bad things" several times per week, (chocolate, beer, etc..) however I make sure I eat those things in moderation and ensure they fit into my calorie allowance for the day. I find, like a lot of people, that if I get all super-strict and in the mindset that "I'm on a diet", I fail. And stay away from cheat DAYS...…
  • Ditch the scale for a while and focus on how you look and feel. Take photos and measurements. I've been doing 30 day shred and was frustrated about not seeing much of a difference on the scale, but I can button pants that wouldn't come close to buttoning before!
  • Good advice, minus the part about staying below 1200 calories per day.
  • Check out Fitness Blender on YouTube. They have a lot of great free videos for different levels.
  • I love grilled salmon with BBQ sauce!!
  • You can't scold a cat like a dog. They don't learn that way. You little kitty is probably just having a hard time remembering where their box is. Keep them contained in a smaller room until she finds her way! Or have multiple boxes through out your home.
  • Got my first summary from PACT - made $4.51 last week! I was surprised to see that the biggest reward was from the Veggie Pact. I signed up for 14 fruits and veggies and made $2.10 for completing my pact! Also, I earned $1.54 for simply logging my food in MFP, which I do anyway. At this rate the app will pay for my gym…
  • I just joined PACT this week. I'm doing all 3 pacts, the gym, MFP and veggie pact. From what I've read the payout is not all that much. I had a friend who made just over $80 doing it last year.
  • I'm in the same boat - my boyfriend can eat like a horse and gain nothing. I am the one cooking the meals, however, so he eats what I make for dinner. I usually do a lean meat like chicken, or fish, and then a vegatable. I eat a lot of baked sweet potatoes and buy him the regular potatoes with all the fixings he likes. On…
  • I use spaghetti squash in place of pasta. Tastes great with sauce or olive oil/garlic/seasoning!
    in Pasta Comment by spoons81 December 2013
  • I'm starting 30DS (again) tonight. Feel free to add me!
  • I have wider hips and the smallest I've ever fit into when I was thin was a 10. I only buy American Eagle jeans...
  • 700-800 calories is too low! You need to net at least 1200, and for a lot of people that's still too low.
  • She incorporates cardio into her workouts. She also loves jumping jacks and jumping rope, among other not so low impact moves. I have a Gazelle Edge glider that I got from Walmart for less than $100. It folds up so its easy to store and gets your heart rate going but has less impact than walking. I use it when I'm watching…
  • EXACTLY!!!
  • I love beer, too! I refuse to drink low calorie light beer due to the fact that I hate the taste. I love a good ale or a stout. I recently found out that 12 ounces of Guinness only has 124 calories!! "A study by the University of Wisconsin found that drinking Guinness can reduce blood clots and the risk of heart attack.…
  • If you don't have a HRM (heart rate monitor) another option is to set your activity level to lightly active and then eat the recommended amount without logging exercise calories. The exercise will already be factored in to your goal. You may have to tweak the number a bit over the course of a few weeks if you're not losing…
  • Yeah, my comment is based on you having your activity to sedentary!
  • 1200 isn't the magic number for losing weight. You should be netting 1340 plus the calories burned during exercise. So if food consumed equals 1340 and exercise for that day equals 200, then you should be eating 1540 for the day.
  • I just ate a wendys grilled chicken wrap with no sauce and a small chili and I don't feel guilty about it! It was about 440 calories, which is about what I average for lunch anyway. I just made sure to check their website before going to order. That way I knew exactly what I could and could not have from their menu! Also,…
  • I sit at a desk for 8 hours also. I bring a lot of healthy snacks, like fruit, nuts, cottage cheese, granola bars, etc. I also drink a couple glasses of hot tea with zero calorie sweetener when I find that I just want something...usually out of boredom!
  • This topic has been beaten to death.
  • How so? I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and have a 2 hour commute. I wouldn't classify that as moderately active at all.
  • If you set it to moderately active then you don't eat back your exercise calories because they're already factored in. If you set it to sedentary, then you should track your carlories burned with a HRM and eat those calories that you burn. Otherwise you'll create an unhealthy deficit.
  • I found that I had some knee pain, so I didn't go as low into the squats/lunges. Also, make sure you're doing your lunges right - the front knee should be at a 45 degree angle and not past the toe!
  • I love Jillian Michaels! I'm finishing level 1 today. Don't worry about modifying things or taking a break at first if you REALLY need to. Push yourself as much as you can and each level will get easier with time. Also, you don't need to complete the video in 30 days... I only do it 3-4 times per week along with other…
  • Don't be afraid of food! I tried the 1200 calorie diet and was STARVING and cranky all the time. When I actually ran the numbers I found out I should be eating 1800 :happy: to lose a pound a week...and it's WORKING!! Note that that includes my exercise (generally 4-5 days a week) which was factored in when I calculated my…
  • I just set my activity level to lightly active and then I don't log exercise calories. I work out 4-5 days a week so it seems to balance my diet out. It's working for me anyway :) **I also have a desk job where I'm on my butt for 8 hours per day with a 1.5 hr commute...
  • You definitely shouldn't be going way under if your goal is set to 1200. Also you need to log and eat back those exercise calories. Your body needs fuel! www.fitnessfrog.com has calculators to determine your BMR and TDEE.
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE frozen grapes!!