jesguinn Member


  • I love to see new people get into running! C25K is definitely a great place to start. Also, shoes are critical! I learned that the hard way when I ran my 2nd race and lost two toenails. Yuck! Start out slow and build speed and distance gradually. You'll be amazed how quickly your endurance will build if you stick with it.…
  • I'm in! I did the Shred off and on last summer, but never made it the full 30 days just because I got bored with it, but I started again last night and I'm determined to stick with it, even when I can't stand the sound of Jillian's voice anymore!
  • I did day 4 last night and will do day 5 tonight. Also, I've been doing well on my diet this week, but not seeing any results on the scale. I know in my head that the number on the scale really doesn't matter, but it's still gratifying to see it go down. How long does the water retention in your muscles from starting a new…
  • I'm 5'10" with a pretty average frame, so I'm hoping to end up somewhere in the 145-150 range. My real goal is to be in a size 6 and toned up. Right now I am a size 8 at about 160 lbs., so I think that range is about right. Good luck to all of you!
  • I want in on this! I just started level one last night and it kicked my butt, so I'm definitely going to need some motivation from others to keep going!
  • I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday after I saw everyone's awesome results on the success stories board. Jillian really kicked my butt! If Level 1 is this tough, I'm afraid of what Level 2 will be and terrified of Level 3! Hopefully it will get easier as my body gets used to it. This is really my first stab at an…