

  • This is great advice you have gotten. I would just add one thing. Two things I do to stay motivated is 1. I don't tell myself that any food is off limits, I do decide how many calories I am willing to sacrifice for it. For instance I love bagels, all 300 calories of them! SO I get 1 bagel and eat half of it for breakfast…
  • My goals for the next 6 weeks are to work out 5 days a week, stay under my calorie goal, and lose 6-8 lbs. I will be working the census during that time so I hope to do a lot of walking. Ann
  • Count me in! I have recently started this and am so motivated! This is the first time I have lost weight significantly in 20 yrs. My goal for the 4th of July is to lose an additional 18 lbs which will put me just at 220. That's a number I haven't seen in about 10 yrs. I hope I remember to come back and post my progress!