You look marvelous and you should be proud!
I love raw spinach, too. Basil was a nice surprise and really added a nice touch. Going to try the second recipe this week. I thought it would be areal drag to replace my lunches with salads, but it really hasn't been. I just don't want to get bored. Thanks again!
This was a fantastic salad. I reduced the sugar in the dressing and it was fine. Thank you for the recipe!
Meadowsmummy, I think you should talk to your doctor about your concerns with your heartrate. And, utilize your community resources to get nutritional guidance. Even a one-time consultation with a nutritionist can help you evaluate where you are and how you are going to move forward to your goals. Or, I used one of the…
No need to be rude, sport. I think that if you can't say something in a nice manner, then you should keep your thoughts to yourself.
My body tends to lose inches before it loses the pounds- especially if I kick up up the excercise and start getting my muscle back. The first couple of months usually find the scale moving up, but my pant size moving down. Depressing at times, but I try not to focus on the punds, but on how my close feel and my muscles…
My name is Stefanie, a Vietnamese-Mexican American, living in the CO Rockies. Born and raised in Arizona, I was used to a very active lifestyle year-round. There is an abundance of fresh foods in AZ and it was very easy to eat a clean and fresh diet. The Vietnames and Mexican cultures both appreciate fresh…
I completely disagree with alot of the negative posts in this feed. This is supposed to be a supportive community and here go some other members being judgemental and plain old rude. Don't post if you can't be nice, people! Weightloss is a challenge and it's even harder when those around you aren't supportive. And, it can…