imtriagain Member


  • I use the iphone / ipad app, and that gives the weekly net, which I go by. It's odd that the web version doesn't do this. I would just do the average, perhaps keeping an excel spreadhseet, using the formula as someone suggested above.
  • I use iPad / iPhone app and this gives the weekly net calories. Surprising the website doesn't give this option.
  • Thanks for the clarification. (and apologies - just found some similar questions a few pages back).
  • I read this book and thought it was excellent. It's been a good mental switch for me. It's been what I needed to basically lose the last 5 kilos! I haven't followed it strictly, but have taken snippets out of it. I already run regularly, so added her strength based session 2-3 times per week, which I have ended up adapting…
  • I stumbled across this as a possible weightloss use after googling home rededies for blocked sinuses. I did try it a few months ago, but didn't find it made a different. Fast forward to the past week, and I've been taking 2 tbsnp in water 3 x a day for sinus (unsure if it helps or not - but at least hte placebo effect…
  • I'm the same. I started back today and although not completely recovered I did feel better for doing something. I tend to get colds that linger so once I'm over the worst of It figured I'd get back to it I hadn't trained since last Thursday (which incidentally probably made my cold worse).
  • I've got 2 hand weights. A 4kg (about 8lb) and 5kg (about 11lb). For some of the lateral raises I could probably go a slightly lower weight - sometimes I just use 1 weight I stead of 2. For things like bicep curls and squats I tend to go the heavier weight out of my 2. I've just started RI30 and am on week1
  • I had a shocking 3 days last week which turned out to be about 5 days before I was due. The scales that week (prior to my binging days) were also up, despite me having a good net surplus of cals for the week. I actually went to bed to bed one night in so much pain in my stomach from eating so much. I just could not stop…
  • I struggle with this from time to time too. What I have started doing is entering what I plan to eat for the entire day into myfitness pal before I put anything into my mouth for the day. I try to allow myself a small treat each day, using some of the diet type products that are lower in calories. If I know I'm going to…