khethil Member


  • Echo the "You must do and be what makes you feel good"-sentiment. But for me it's curves & shape; size isn't an issue unless it's extremely one way or another. ... this guy's 2 cents
  • I think a lot of our misgivings about guidance from Doctors comes from some of the unrealistic expectations we place on them. It seems to me that most (if not all) of us tend to think in two dimensions; as if they're GOOD or BAD, always RIGHT or WRONG. This is really a horrible way to look at it. Simply due to the fact…
  • In my opinion... 1. There's no Right or Wrong way to work finances between couples. Like most matters of a purely private matter, what works for them depends on their personalities, situation, personal and "as a couple"-goals, etc. So there's no single answer that can come from someone else. 2. It strikes me as spiteful…
  • I just drink a lot... probably not the best solution, but hey... :)
  • Counting both before and after I started MFP, I've lost 62 LBS. My wife and I walk almost daily and I had the hardest time trying to 'walk normally' - my whole natural stride was off (not carrying so much weight). I felt like I was perpetually stumbling
  • Personally I love seeing them; as long as they have some meaning to the wearer (rather than just a "Gotta have something"-quickie). Heck yea
  • I'm running into the same anxiousness you described; not havin too much luck with it either (blogged it yesterday). I think that eating less has just become a habit. I hope you find your way though - good luck!
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