If you do the math based on the numbers they provided, it would be around 615 calories per 30 minutes for you. For me, my base calculations are more, because I don't do the steps every single time they're up. I do something that's more intense to keep my blood flowing. Because once you stop, is when your body starts to…
New Balance series 900 and up provide better support and comfort than 900 and below. I currently am on my 2nd pair of 920's and my first pair of 1240's. The 1240's feel like it's walking on air. If she uses something like that, and it doesn't help, custom orthotics would be the next means.
I'm assuming maybe only females should be replying to the OP since it was a female who initially posted....and only those have replied... But no1's stated what their caloric burn is per day. I assume you're all tracking that as well as what you're burning off. I've plateaued about 3 times in my 30 month journey to…
For people looking to mix and match workouts.... Instead of doing steppers through all 20, I do the following (it's repeated twice, so I do it 1-5, then 6-10): First Station: Air Squats (key here is to practice form. don't bend over with your back, decline with your legs) for the duration. I started 2012 at 30…
I think it's a combination of both. I sweat more due to the thermogenic pills, but I've done 2 hours of cardio 6 months prior to that and dropped a combined 10lbs in that time. This is much more weight in much less time.
I'm on week number 5 of taking OEPro. I've dropped 12lbs since then. I do 2+ hours of cardio (or combo-cardio) almost every day. Here's how I started on the supplement: -First three days: One pill in the morning 15-30 minutes before breakfast. Water water water all day. -After that: One pill in the morning, 15-30 minutes…
The link actually doesn't even mention that he's doing the steps in between each machine. Just another person using the 30 minute circuit training and it's only happening for 15. Such a shame. The cardio in between each machine is what makes this workout actually work.
Bump. Been trying to figure this out for 6 months now. At 245lbs it assumes that since it's 30 minutes of "cardio" (because it's not really strength training if you're toning muscles), it counts it around 440-something. That's fine because I add more to my workouts than that before and after, but I'd like a more accurate…