

  • Mine is a bit less ambitious than some...but own a bikini! :blushing:
  • This has made me feel loads better, because I tend to have a couple of ryvita's with low fat cream cheese on about an hour before bed and i have always worried that I am eating too late!
  • I am 218lb currently, feel free to add me anyone :) Could do with some more friends!!
  • I have also tried getting up earlier before and I kept hitting the snooze button, that button is lethal! But I know when I get home after my shift there is no hope of me doing anything, so on Saturday I am DETERMINED to get up at 6am and do some exercise! I will let you all know if i manage it! *fingers crossed*
  • I'm a nurse so spend my shifts dashing around all over the place and where I work is so manic there is always something going on, so I am really active at work, just trying to fit extra exercise in because working obviously isn't enough to shift this weight!
  • Thanks for all the advice from everyone, I think what i'm going to do is try and do my larger workouts on my days of or short shift days and I could get up at 6am and do 30mins on my elliptical trainer before work, there is no way I could come home afterwards and do my exercises because I am on my feet all day at work and…
  • I'm a nurse, only been qualified 8 months, really struggle fitting in exercise when I'm on a long day! any tips?
  • Thanks, I am really positive this time, my worst fault is comfort eating so I need to change the way I deal with stress etc. I have used mfp on my iPhone before now but I think being on here will help more with suppport. Thanks for your reply :)