

  • I just want to get OVER my plateau!! Would love to lose just 1 lb this week. :(
  • Sounds GREAT! Gonna try it this weekend, my husband loves anything pumpkin. Thanks for sharing!
  • Great response laddyboy! I did 2 rounds of P90X and lost a total of 30lbs doing it! It really works if you know what you need to eat and how much. Great breakdown to help ppl understand it better. I may message you if that's ok, I still have some unanswered questions myself. Trying to lose my last 30 and I'm at a plateau.…
  • I've recorded several things from there. Great workouts! Everything from straight up core/strength training to dance. Gotta love it!
  • Well said erickirb! I asked the same question earlier on this thread and didn't get this kind of answer. I was kinda frustrated that no one gave me a good answer why, they just said "eat em" LOL thank you for going into detail! :)
  • What you all are saying is how I've been feeling. Let me give some background. I did 2 rounds of P90X and lost 30lbs, have hit a major plateau (for 4 months now) , have gotten checked out to ensure nothing is wrong. The Dr asked how many calories I was eating a day, at the time it was 1450-1600. She told me that was way…