

  • Because it's always easier to believe the negative then the positive. I know exactly what you are talking about. Quite honestly...I put away all photos and stopped looking at them. My husband took 'during' photos of me but I never looked. I started to focus only on my clothes. I hung the biggest , ugliest thing I owned and…
  • A failure is the person who doesn't even see they need to get back at it. That's not you! The BIGGEST thing I learned going from 222 pnds at my heaviest to now 140 pnds is to cut yourself some slack! I fell off the wagon lots and lots and did I mention, LOTS? This time however - I managed to pull myself up - forgive myself…
  • Coming from someone who LOVES to eat out...but....not the waist line that comes with it....I am very diligent in looking (as others have mentioned) at the nutritional information on line before we go. I will check out a couple restaurants to see which one has better options. I've been doing this for over a year now so I…
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