mamanda12 Member


  • I am in!! My goal for September is 160 miles.
  • To save money I have started cooking "batches" on Sunday for the entire week. Yes, I basically eat the same thing for the entire week (lunch) but it seems to work for me. For example this week I made a pasta dish; whole wheat pasta, turkey sausage, zucchini, yellow squash and ricotta cheese. This meal costs about $2.00 and…
  • I also have issues with this. Since I have started counting calories I have been much more aware of it!! I have decided that if I am stressed, and truly looking for food to help reduce the stress, to take a quick walk; Just 5 minutes or so. I am trying to replace the stress eating with a good healthy habit. Good luck to…
  • I totally agree with you!! I know what I need to do; it is the doing it that I struggle with. I am hoping this site will help me> :-)
  • Don't weigh yourself every day. Only get on the scale once a week, and it is best to do it in the morning hours. Keep up the good work; I am sure you will see it go in the right direction soon. :-)