efranz12 Member


  • Congratulations! IIsn't it a weird feeling? I've had the same experience. This year at Christmas my mom only bought me size small shirts cause I had been complaining that all of my clothes were too big and looked sloppy but as I sat opening all I could think was "these are never going to fit.. I'm going to have to return…
  • I'm 5'3" and some change weighing in right now around 145. Original goal weight was 142 (which was my peak athletic performance weight in high school) but I'm realizing now that I still look a lot bigger now than I did then because my muscle to fat ratio was a lot different. So now I'm reevaluting... not sure how much more…
  • I've been in your shoes... err cast! I had a really bad ankle break a couple years ago. As someone else said the arm bike is a good place to get some cardio in and walking on crutches is a good workout in and of itself. I also did chair yoga (still a really good workout) at my gym and swam with a pullbuoy once I had my…
  • I used to eat 3 or 4 Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones a week and could not drop weight. Cut them and a lot of the other packaged foods I was taking to work out of my diet and losing has been 100 times easier. I think my body is super sensitive to sodium though.
  • I had a lot of problems with weight gain on the anti-depressants paxil and lexapro. Gained about 30 pounds while taking paxil and dropped 20 within 3 months after switching to citalopram. I've been antidepressant free for 18 months and am the lightest I've been since I started taking them in 2005. I've found it much easier…
  • My jack russel annnnd my cavalier spaniel lol. 36 pounds down from my highest weight :)
  • This week I noticed definition in my arms. Changing up my lifting routine is working :)
  • Congrats to all of you on your accomplishments as well! @Mary I did that a few weeks back when I fit into the one pair of skinny jeans I didn't have the heart to throw away cause I liked them so much. It was just so exciting, I had to cry. @Brett That is a Huge change. Well done you!
  • I'm 5'3" almost 5'4" but my goal is 144.That's my high school "fit" weight... might reevaluate when I get there because I had a lot more muscle in those days so to look like that I may need to way less. But I don't think I'd like the way I looked below 135, I love being strong and having muscles :)
  • My Boyfriend has the exat same problem caused by weight loss and he uses athletic tape to cover his nipples and wears a tightly fitted underarmour underneath or in place of t-shirts. He has found this really cuts down on the pain and chaffing caused by his "man boobs". He also uses bandaids sometimes but finds they fall…
  • Thanks! And yes, they are sore today. But surprisingly not as bad as I might have thought, I've done a mile straight thru on the treadmill recently but not outside so I was really worried about not being able to walk today. But so far I'm feeling pretty good.
  • Loove using mustard as a replacement for aayo in my Tuna salad.