

  • Hiya, I read somewhere that Bodyrock workouts should be counted as calistenic? Does that seem right to you? I'm just planning on starting it, but would like to know how much credit I'll get from the exercise :-) cheers
  • Hey, as a Zumba Instructor I'd like to recommend to you live classes called Zumba Gold. these are for people with joint problems etc, designed so you still get a great and joyful workout but without putting strain on your knees etc. Try to find one next to your home, you can use www.zumba.com for finding a class of a…
  • Hey, I am a zumba instructor and I can guarantee you that zumba will give you results. But, if you really wanna keep going, find a class next to you. Exhillarate is a good exercise set, but soon your muscles will get used to all the songs and so, I suggest you find a class next to you, at a convenient time and give it a…