

  • i just want to say a big well done. your "falling off the wagon" doesnt seem to be a complete "fall" at all. if u only gained 3lbs in a month.. this is amazing and u cant possibly have been as bad as you think. if i fall off the wagon for 3-5 days i gain all i have lost and more - in some cases up to 8/9lbs. and i cant…
  • i used to work in a smoothie shop - my all time fave is this: 5 slices of mango, 7 big strawberries, 1 tbsp of natural yogurt, 8 cubes of pineapple and 300ml of orange juice... or apple juice... enjoy! x
  • rpolzin25 - u must be a guy!! tsps of blood do not amount to any weight?!!
  • thank you everyone. i do appreciate many people will consider eating such low cals as "stupid", its just that the 1,200 i need seems a hell of a lot and i really dont want to have to gain weight, at all. even though it might help in the long run. i have read that article lilchino4af posted (its a very very interesting and…