maryb2011 Member


  • Thank you for the recipe; I will make it tonight for the homeless prevention center and will feel good about brining a wholesome meal.
  • For the soups I have a thermos container that I add hot water to and a bullion cube with the soup mix at 6 a.m. It is perfect for lunch @ 10:30 - I'm a teacher, so it is really my second meal with no reheating. I think I got my thermos contaier at Target. Welcome to MF; it is a great program!
  • 18 mos and 85 lbs..on and off. Now back at it to knock out the rest!
  • Medifast has been the only diet I have truly been successful has definately been a blessing to me. My all time high weight was 323 and now I am "hovering" around 225. I took a break from MF, joined Weight Watchers (again), and am now back on Medifast full time to get the rest of this weight off. I have found with…
  • I have a thermos container that I pour 4 oz of boiling water in in the morning. It is perfect by lunch and pretty tasty. I will sometimes add a low calorie laughing cow cheese and some Tiger sauce (hot sauce).
  • March 19 marked one year on Medifast for me...I'm almost 90 lbs down and feel like MF has been a life saver for me. I have been "off" program for a few weeks and my losses have slowed. I am back OP 100% to lose the last of my weight. I'd stay on it...I've been dieting since age 5 and this is the first program I have seen…
  • I have been "off" since the holidays too. No weight gain, but no loss, either. Still ate the MF food, but would also incorportae bites, licks, and tastes. Today is day 3 of being back OP and I am hungry...trying to stay busy and eat at prescribed times. I can do this...20 lbs to hit my 100 lb loss.
  • Congratulations! You are such an inspiration! I'm going to take your advice and watch Food Inc and Food Matters. Keep it up, and thanks for sharing!
  • I love cauliflower pizza. Don't make it too much, but it is a nice treat. My go to is usually morningstar farms pizza burgers-so easy and tasty. I need to start switching up my recipes, though.
  • I lost 2.4 this week and am thrilled. Went shopping last night and size 18 jeans were too big...I started this journey wearing size 28. Not quite ready for size 16, but almost! One pouch at a time... Have a great weekend, ladies!
  • I am hanging in there. I have made it my "job" to dring 120 oz of water per day. I keep reminding myself that 100% works and that IT WILL BE WORTH IT! It's my goal to lose 100 lbs by my first year "mediversary" which is March 19...quite doable if I keep my head in the game.
  • Wow! Amazing! Thank you for are such an inspiration!
  • Simply amazing. Congratulations. You hard work has truly paid off. Thank you for sharing; you are such an inspiration!