I would have to say the machine too... because the machine knows your weight and heart rate.
5'11" 176 lbs and I am wearing 9's and 11's to be able to pull the pants over my hips! !! AHhhhh
Jimmy Johns unwiches.... no mayo, no cheese or Chipotle Burrito Bols ... no sour cream , no cheese, no rice
My fav is: A.R. Rahman and The *****cat Dolls Jai HO! Katie Perry .. Waking up in Vegas Looking for though too!
Hey Alyssa! I opened my dairy to the public too! I need to be watched to keep me honest. :) I'll leave you with my fav quote... "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become." - Buddha Live by it and you'll achieve anything. Heather Foss