ExerciseJunkie Member


  • Let me start by saying that I like TA's PP & Mat workouts. Not conventional exercises in any way, but interesting & effective. Because I liked these, I purchased her Meta Hipcentric workout, tried it for 30 days, but ultimately sold it. I found it really boring as you spend almost all of the 30 minutes of it on all fours,…
  • Don't be like me & wait forever! I thought Zumba would not be for me as I am not a dancer in any way, shape or form! I finally took my 1st class this past January & can't believe what I've been missing! It is so fun & not that hard to pick up. Just have fun & be patient. It may take a few weeks before you've got the steps…
  • I notice I eat less when I drink it also. I'll have to incorporate some into my day. For those who don't like the taste, try steeping the teabag for a few minutes less & adding some Splenda (or other non-calorie) sweetener.