

  • I'm not currently on HCG, but I plan on doing at least one more round in the next six months or so. It's a really great thing to do when I hit a weight-loss plateau. Thanks for commenting!
  • That's 105 pounds left... not 155 pounds left! lol! Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!
  • I just recently found out about Dr.Simeons. I've been eating the approved list my doctor gave me, and green beans are on the list. I have 7 days left in the "program," and I'd really like to transition into a more sustainable way of eating. I'm thinking I will just count calories and resume my high-intensity workouts (that…
  • I weigh on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I do it twice a week because, knowing that I have to weigh myself in 2-3 days makes me less likely to cheat. Also, my worst days for eating are Saturdays. When I weigh myself on Saturdays, it encourages me to keep going... especially if I've lost weight!
  • I need to lose 120 pounds. I'm 8 pounds down right now, leaving me with 112 to lose. I'm in!!!
  • 1. I learned that I'm not controlled by food, my appetite, or my hunger. I am more powerful than I ever imagined. 2. I learned that I love certain exercises and that the things I have been doing up to this point are the things I hate the most. 3. I learned that when I abstain from bad foods, I'm not depriving myself. I'm…
  • I have a collar bone! Who'da thunk?
  • I have lost 20 pounds in a month on the hcg diet. It's a very limited calorie diet with little working out; so it should only be done under doctor supervision. But it has been my most successful attempt at weight loss. Hope this helps!
  • What a great thread! Of course I have bigger goals, but my immediate small goals are... 1.) I want to do Downward Facing Dog in Yoga without bending my knees. 2.) I want to add weigh-lifting to my cardio workout. 3.) I want to find a go-to snack/meal other than cereal. 4.) I want to have more active fun with my kids…
  • At the beginning of my marriage (when I was much thinner) my husband made only one request of me: to stay healthy. My family has a history of morbid obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and (of course) early death. My sweet husband wanted (and wants) for me to be healthy and active so that we could raise our children…