

  • I love this post primarily because some of the ideas you've all posted have literally hit the nail on the head for me. I started yoga way back when with the primary aim of touching my toes and have recently taken it up seriously and if there's one thing I have to credit it with is rediscovering my spirituality. Before a…
  • I feel you on the bust issue, used to bug me in shoulder stand. I can't jump forward and land with my knees in between my hands - something most pple take for granted... Bashing my blobs is just not an option... Same for those chest squashing poses with the chin on the ground... Fave - vinyasa; Eugh - one legged dogs and…
  • s Just to add my two cents here - its true that the pose is very strong especially if you focus on alignment and shoulder strength. Sometimes after some days of vigorous practice, my triceps are dead and I spend half the dogs in child's pose... However, I recently discovered the rest phenomenon during my Ashtanga. When…
  • Me jealous... I live for the day...
  • You aren't the only one - I also have a B when I'm in a 'thick' (I refuse to use the 'f' word) phase. However, as I've gone up and down the scales (of life), what happens is that is turns into a smaller B and at the moment (as I'm being so good with my yoga), its down to a small b which pleases me to no end. What I find is…
  • Arschlochs who slam their weights onto the floor making me jump constantly; others who make all sorts of groaning, huffing, puffing, grunting, hissing noises and have a constant grimace on their faces cause they're lifting too much weight - so not a good look; sweataramas who drip snail trails over all the machines and…