meggamix Member


  • I'm with you on this! Also to be banned: uber -anything! Uber-full, uber-great, uber-ANNOYING!!
  • Holy cow there is so much to catch up on I just don't have the time. I see we have a whole bunch more new people! Nice! I do need to hurry and say congrats and condolences to some of you. I've been absent for gee, almost a week now. My grandpa has been (and still is) in the ICU. The doctors didn't think he'd make it last…
  • I feel you! Waiting through cycles for specific dates can drive anyone crazy!
  • Congrats Dexter! And welcome to all the new folks we have on the board! Love it! Well, I was in Disneyland for the Halloween weekend...SO FUN! But SO bad for eating healthy. I didn't even weigh in today because I don't want to know....But it's time to get back into it! I had my progesterone levels checked just before we…
  • I've been reading the board today and I would love to comment on everyone, it's just been crazy at work! My husband and I are leaving out of town tomorrow and I had to get a lot know how it goes. But I wanted to check in. SOrry about your CP smores...hugs my way. Welcome to the new folks...don't worry…
  • KAREN!!! CONGRATS!!!! That's an awsome story. Sticky, sticky thoughts your way!
  • Hey Thinthought, not sure if you found our new thread, but I saw you just posted a few days ago and didn't want you to think we had dropped off the face of the planet. We start a new thread each month. You can find us all here:
  • Welcome to the newbies! Emily-I'm sorry about the surgery, it does NOT sound like fun at ALL! Yikes! I'd be scared too. Jalara- I hope the tests went well....geez that's a lot to do in one day! Pam -Fingers crossed the 24 hour monitor is in line with all the other information, moving that date up is awesome! And on the…
  • Congrats! I'm so glad you are able to move forward and I seriously hope the best for you and the hubs!
  • I'm not really sure yet how it all works since this was my first time through. And I didn't really realize until a few days after my Dr. appointment that he really didn't explain the rest of the process. I think they did start with a low dose to see how I react to it and then will adjust from there. I go in on Wednesday to…
  • Welome Melissa and Leyla, and welcome back Amanda! Melissa I'm sorry for your loss. We're definitely here for support! Amanda, I hope you can get things back to normal soon so you can TTC again. AFM- I finished my last 50mg dosage of clomid yesterday. I'm new to this so I only took one a day for 5 days, I know that's low,…
  • This sound amazing! Thanks!
  • Sorry for filling up the board this morning ladies. I'm feeling like I need to just submerge myself in here for some reason today. Thanks for sharing your experience Smores. I'm so sorry for your losses. I've read some other experiences recently of people who have experienced pregnancy loss and I hadn't ever realized as…
  • A local dance company does a production every year called Thriller that we LOVE! We're taking a road trip and stopping in Southern Utah where they have an outdoor ampitheater called Tuachan that's kinda hidden back in the red rocks and watch Thriller's so cool! I'm pretty excited. Then we're going to Disneyland…
  • Thanks for the hugs! I hope all goes well with the Dr. appointments. I can't imagine that type of pain, I hope they can figure it out and get you back to feeling better soon. I'm impressed you are sticking with your money goal this month. Nice job! It's definitely frustrating not knowing why something is happening...there…
  • Thank you so much for sharing. You brought tears to my eyes. Congrats on your 30 lbs, I hope I can get there! Today has been a rough day so far. One of my close work friends is pregnant and she just spent a few minutes chatting with me in my office and I just felt sad. Last night DH and I went out to dinner with some…
  • Thanks Pam! Definitely make sense what you said about having lots of eggs. :) Well, if I didn't have a good enough reason before to get healthy, I definitely do now. Sugar is my weakness...I HAVE to overcome it and start losing. I also read that it can be hard to lose weight with PCOS, and I feel like that is definitely…
  • Congrats on the milestone!!! That's so exciting! Hopefully the next one will go by quickly. :) dexters_dexterity: Hopefully you can figure something out, the unknown can be so hard! Welcome back Beth! And welcome to the other newbies! Karen: congrats on getting your 5 lbs! I LOVE buying new clothes...but only when I FEEL…
  • I know how you feel...I've definitely been more of a "lurker" myself recently! Congrats on the 5 lbs!! That's so great! AFM: I finally got a visit from AF. It's weird, I didn't realize how long it had really been since I had her around. I finished my 10 days of provera last week and I was just paranoid it wasn't going to…
  • Welcome! This sounds a lot like me actually. I went off the pill a year ago this past July and slowly my periods started getting weirder and more erratic. Like you I didn't really pay much notice until we started TTC. And I hadn't had aI finally had to go on Provera to start AF (which just finally did this week!) I hope it…
  • Congrats! Hope all goes well!
  • Wow, checked out that caulif-crust and it looks amazing! My husband and I had a MAJOR cheat night just last night and I ate 3 or 4 pieces of BAD (but so good) pizza! I definitely want to try this!
  • Thanks! That's what I was thinking too, sometimes you just need a little confirmation you know? I think I might call anyway just to make sure or see if they have other advice.
  • Hey all! Can you believe it's already OCTOBER? Whoa! I took my last Provera last Thurs and I'm supposed to call the doc on CD1 so I can go in for an US I think on CD3. I'm so worried that I'm going to misinterpret CD1! Yesterday I had some pretty dark spotting, not sure what counts as D1 anymore....
  • Pam, I was also going to say that I like all the pics...there's just that one with the wrong hand placement. Other than that I think they look great! But if you aren't comfortable with them then get new ones. Trust me, no amount of positive feedback can really make up for how you really feel about them.
  • Yesterday was my half way mark through the 10 day provera. So far so good. No side effects thus far, I'm hoping they would have manifest by now if I was going to have any. Just hoping AF shows up at some point soon. As long as I don't start on Thurs or Fri I won't have to worry about CD3 landing on the weekend when they…
  • Welcome Kacy! I agree with Jalara that you might as well start tracking things now to get in the habit. There is definitely a learning curve. I've been tracking my basic cycles for over a year, but not REALLY paying attention until the last few months and it was a lot more complicated than I thought. I say you might as…
  • Smores that's so great! Congrats! Praying for you and Alisa as well! Good luck traveling Emily, unfortunately I don't have any great suggestions for you. I have a friend who swears by the Neti Pot -not sure how familiar you are with that. I know it's all natural, but I've never tried it. I forgot to congratulate Jalara on…